Additional Research Papers
Black Fertilisers Trial in Zimbabwe
A study conducted in northern Zimbabwe by ART Research and local fertiliser distributors, set to determine the most effective nitrogen rate applied as
Black Urea, and to compare the effects of Black DAP versus non-coated DAP.
Click on the picture for the study.
Black Urea in Sugar Cane
High fertiliser prices have significantly impacted the production economics
of sugar cane. The grower needed to find a way to improve profits in order to remain
viable. He used Black Urea® at 73% application of the usual granular Urea practice.
Click on the picture for the study.
Wheat Nitrogen Trial Gunnedah
A Grower replicated field trial on winter wheat crop trialing Black Urea against standard urea and other coated urea products. Yield, quality and crop return/profits per product applied at the varying rates recommended by the manufacturer was analysed.
Click on the picture for the study.
Enhance Max™ Research & Trial Data
Biostimulants with NH3 - 3 Year Study Brookglen
A three year commercial scale demonstration in irrigated cotton has produced equivalent yields to usual practice even when reducing application rates by 20%. This has reduced the cost of nitrogen per production unit (bales of cotton lint) by >15%.
This improved nitrogen use efficiency not only improves the growers’ production economics, but improves global goals by directly impacting the reduction in carbon footprint due to fertilizer use.
2 Ventura TOA - Strawberries Celery Report (3)
Refinement methods have allowed the latest generation of Technical Organic Acids (TOA) to resolve the reliability in field results from basic leonardite extractions (humic, fulvic acids).
Two market leading products are independently tested over 4 crop rotations, under scientifically valid and commercial relevant field conditions, to increase the production of a strawberry-celery-celery-
strawberry production system.
Click on the picture for the study.